Tuesday, May 12, 2020

No more sweet talk, stern action awaits MCO violators

PUTRAJAYA: The authorities will no longer advise or warn the public and business outlets to comply with the movement control order (MCO) regulations and will now move to act against violators, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

The Senior Minister said the special Cabinet committee on non-health related issues for the MCO had decided that it was time to act.

"Police and other authorities have been given the authority to take action against those who fail to comply with the SOP (standard operating procedures).

"My advice to all of you is please comply.

"Please ensure social distancing and avoid a place from being crowded," he said on Tuesday (May 12).

On May 11, the multi-agency task force to check on non-compliance of SOP under the conditional MCO conducted checks on 53,250 premises.

This included 4,229 supermarkets, 3,795 restaurants and 924 land, water and air transport terminals.

The task force also checked 22,829 private vehicles, 1,969 public transports, 3,321 places of worship, 1,258 recreational facilities and 259 construction sites nationwide.

Ismail warned the public to continue to follow the SOP as the conditional MCO did not mean total freedom to move about and carry out activities.

"The conditional MCO is still an MCO. We have relaxed the rules just a bit so that people can go back to work to restart the economy.

"It is not impossible for the MCO to be reverted if the authorities report a high number of non-compliant cases," he said.

Ismail said he had received a video clip of a large crowd at a "Ramadan bazaar" in Desa Pandan and thought it was fake.

He said he checked with the Inspector-General of Police who said it was real.

"This is the situation that we want to avoid if we want to continue to enjoy a little bit of freedom," he said.

Monday, May 11, 2020

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

企業轉型,永續經營! 面對疫情,如何轉型?


為了讓大家更瞭解疫情後的大環境及更有效的做好疫後準備,AutoCount 將攜手馬來西亞與臺灣的知名專家一起舉辦一個跨國的線上研討會,為大家分享所見趨勢及剖析企業如何降低營運風險、強化體質、適應環境變化、搶佔未來商機!

1. 疫情對東協經濟體之衝擊,企業應如何做好風險控管。
2. 馬來西亞政府的振興經濟配套如何協助中小企業轉型。
3. 疫情後針對市場空窗填補及供應鏈整合,企業如何透過資本操作(併購、合資),搶佔未來商機。
4. 企業經營數碼轉型之重要,如何善用IT提升管理。


JC 勁程,馬來西亞愛FM電臺 DJ

吳俊源,KPMG事務所臺灣所 合夥會計師
陳順達,GREAT CFO 財務諮詢機構 創辦人
林火燈,臺灣福邦證券公司 董事長
黃汶鈦,AutoCount 公司銷售總監

日期:2020年5月6日 (星期三)
時間:2:30 – 4:00 PM



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