Tuesday, September 27, 2016

BEWAREll!! New ransomware? FILNAME.pdf.id-86BCB83D.{payfornature@india.com}.crypt

Beware the rise of ransomware

ransomware? FILNAME.pdf.id-86BCB83D.{payfornature@india.com}.cryptI

What does Ransomware do?
  • Prevent you from accessing Windows.
  • Encrypt files so you can't use them. (Microsoft word, excel, PDF, Autocount data, sql data, UBS data and so on 
  • Stop certain apps from running (like your web browser).
How to avoid your database encrypted by ransomware?
Always backup your data to :
  • Do Backup data everyday, you may backup to :
  • External Hard disk (plug off after backup)
  • Pendrive (plug off after backup)
  • upload your data to Dropbox, Google drive or etc.... ( logoff after you backup )

This is the place you can backup the database of this account book.
Frequent backup is a good practice, you may also go to Tools > Options > General - Application Settings to check the option of Always prompt Back Up when exit application .. so that the system will remind/offer you to backup before exit.
Alternatively, you may also make use of Scheduled Backup.


Backup Filename: the default backup file name will be <Company name> + backup at <date time>. However you may define your own file name.
Backup To: to execute backup.
Browse: you may run backup simultaneously to more than 1 place.

Click on Browse,
Click on Add to add the target path.. (you may add more than one place)


Click on OK..


There are altogether 3 row of backup maintenance for those users who wish to maintain the backup path to different devices.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Improvements Introduced

Withholding Tax enhancement

The Withholding Tax functionality is enhanced in this version of AutoCount Accounting. To start using it, the user must first enable the function in the Withholding Tax section of the Options window (as shown below)
Enable the Withholding Tax Code function
Enable the Withholding Tax Code function
After the function is enabled, the user can then go into the General Maintenance menu and select the Withholding Tax Maintenance item to access the Withholding Tax Maintenance window.
Select the Withholding Tax Maintenance item to access its window
Select the Withholding Tax Maintenance item to access its window
Inside this window, the user can create, edit or delete the Withholding Tax Code. The Withholding Tax Codes are divided into two types which are the Receipt type and the Payment type.
The Withholding Tax Maintenance window
The Withholding Tax Maintenance window
Creating a new Withholding Tax Code
Creating a new Withholding Tax Code
After the user is done with the creation of the required Withholding Tax Code, they can now start using the functionality in the ARAP Payment and Refund. During the time of writing, it is planned that the Payment and Receipt Voucher in Cash Book to have the same functionality in an upcoming release. To use the functionality, user can either double click on the value in the Withholding Tax column of the detail portion of the document or pull out the Withholding Tax Detail column from the Column Chooser to have access to a button that opens the Withholding Tax Document window. In this window the user can enter the detail of the Withholding Tax for the particular detail.
Accessing the Withholding Tax Document window
Accessing the Withholding Tax Document window
The Withholding Tax Document window
The Withholding Tax Document window
The result when the data entry is done
The result when the data entry is done
The Withholding Tax enhancement is also applicable to the Withholding Tax Transaction Listing report where the report itself is now grouped by the types of Withholding Tax Codes.
The enhanced Withholding Tax Transaction Listing report
The enhanced Withholding Tax Transaction Listing report

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