Sunday, January 31, 2016

Download Final Release for Accounting (1.8.21)

Download Final Release for Accounting (1.8.21)

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This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
  1. Automatically grab GST ID based on Debtor’s Company Name or Company Registration No.
  2. Imported Service reverse journal now happens at A/P Invoice.

Improvements Introduced

Automatically grab GST ID based on Company Name or Company Registration No.

In this version of AutoCount Accounting, a new function is introduced to allow users to automatically grab the GST ID of both Debtor and Creditor based on their Company Name or Company Registration No. The purpose of introducing this function is to allow users to easily obtain and save the Tax Registration Number of their Debtors and Creditors without having to use more man power to obtain in manually.
Before using this function, be advised that the user has to be connected to the Internet and as such, issues with the connection itself may cause the function to not work properly.
To access this function, just open either the Debtor or Creditor Maintenance and navigate to the Others menu in the screen. Clicking the Grab GST ID from Custom Website button under the Others menu will bring up the form in which you can access the function.
How to access the function
How to access the function
Before a user can retrieve the GST IDs, the user has to select if they wish to retrieve only Debtors that has their “Is Tax Registered” status set to undetermined (set true by default) or to retrieve the GST ID for all of their Debtors. This option only affects the Debtor and not the Creditor side.
Uncheck this if you wish to obtain the GST ID for all Debtor(s). Leave it checked if you wish to only obtain the ones that are undetermined for their Is Tax Registered status.
Uncheck this if you wish to obtain the GST ID for all Debtor(s). Leave it checked if you wish to only obtain the ones that are undetermined for their Is Tax Registered status.
Clicking on the Search button will populate the the grids with the Debtor(s) that matches with the criteria previously set as well as all the Creditor(s).
Click the Search button to populate the grids
Click the Search button to populate the grids
The result of the Search for Debtor side
The result of the Search for Debtor side
The Search result for the Creditor side
The Search result for the Creditor side
The user then can click on the Retrieve GST ID button to start the grab operation. Be advised once again that you may have to repeat this process several times depending on the Grab Successful status.
Click on the button to start the retrieval
Click on the button to start the retrieval
Reminder that the retrieval mechanism is based on internet connection availability and that its speed also contributes in the speed of the retrieval.
Reminder that the retrieval mechanism is based on internet connection availability and that its speed also contributes in the speed of the retrieval.
The function retrieving the GST ID from Custom website.
The function retrieving the GST ID from Custom website.
The retrieve process is done
The retrieve process is done
After the completion of the Grab process, the user has to verify and select which Debtor(s) and Creditor(s) information they wish to update to the system. The user can either use the Check All button to select all Debtor(s) and Creditor(s), Uncheck All button to deselect all selection or Check Tax Registration Only button to select the Debtor(s) and Creditor(s) that has their Tax Registration Number successfully grab from the Custom website.
Select which Debtor/Creditor you wish to update
Select which Debtor/Creditor you wish to update
Finally just click on the Update button to allow the system to update the registration number into itself. As a reminder, only selected Debtor(s) and Creditor(s) which have their GST ID successfully grabbed from the Custom website will be updated.
Click on the Update button to start the update process
Click on the Update button to start the update process
Confirm if you wish to update.
Confirm if you wish to update.
When the system is done updating, it will prompt the completion.
When the system is done updating, it will prompt the completion.
The result when viewing the updated Debtor
The result when viewing the updated Debtor

Imported Service reverse journal now happens at A/P Invoice.

In the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, the journal entry for Imported Services is created only when there is an A/P Payment done to knock-off the A/P Invoice using the IM-SVC tax code. With the change in the government ruling on the matter of Imported Service, the system will now create the journal entry for Imported Services when the A/P Invoice is created and saved and not as previously mentioned. This change also means that the posting for the journal entry will follow the A/P Invoice document date since it is created following the creation of the document.
The journal entry for Imported Service is created when A/P Invoice is saved.
The journal entry for Imported Service is created when A/P Invoice is saved.

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